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‘Unlocking love for lifelong learning for God, self, and for others’

School Values

Which values do you know you show in your day to day life?  Which of our School Values can you remember without looking in the entrance hall? How are you displaying the British Values; at home? At school? Can you think of Gospel stories which demonstrate the Gospel Values? 

The children, parents and staff of St Peter's worked together to create a new set of values for us all to live and work by.  When you are in school, can you see these values in action? 



Personal Excellence

Everlasting Faith and Love



Respect and Friendship


Gospel Values

At St Peter's we have always worked hard to develop a strong moral code in our children through the teaching of values and we are proud that our pupils are often complimented whilst out and about on school trips and as they move on to secondary schools too for their superb manners, humility and tolerance towards others. 
