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‘Unlocking love for lifelong learning for God, self, and for others’

Current Members of St Peter's Governing Body

 Governor Name  Governor Role and Links  Term of Office Dates  Length of Term Personal or Pecuniary Interests 2016/17
 Foundation Governors  
 Mrs Stephanie Bassett

 -Chair of Governors 
 - RE Link Governor
- Appraisal/Performance Management
- Outcomes for pupils
- Y6 Class Link Governor

09.09.15 - 08.09.19  4 years Parent
 Mr Andrew Rye

 -Vice chair of Governors
 - Finance Governor
- Pupil Premium/Sports Funding

Year R Class Link Governor

 24.11.14 - 24.11.18  4 years Grandparent
 Mr Christopher Keene  - Finance Governor
- Pupil Premium/Sports Funding
Y3 Class Link Governor
 24.11.14 - 24.11.18   4 years Wife currently employed as a teacher at St Peter's
Mr Carl Thomason

 - Health & Safety
- Website
Y3 Class Link Governor

24.11.14 - 24.11.18  4 years  Parent
 Mrs Miriam Lynch - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Curriculum
YR Class Link Governor

 07.11.16 - 07.11.20  4 years  
 Mrs Joanne Langley Curriculum
- Parent Council/School Council/Parent Engagement
-- Y4 Class Link Governor
 07.10.15 - 06.10.19   4 years Parent
 Headteacher Governor  
 Mrs Colleen Owen Headteacher Governor - Banking Signatory    n/a Staff
 Staff Governor  
 Mrs Mandy Towsey - SENCo 
- Designated Teacher
- Outcome for Pupils
- Development & Training Governor
 01.09.14 - 01.09.18  4 years Staff
 Parent Governors  
 Mrs Briony Woolley

-Child Protection Link Governor
- Safeguarding/Online Safety/Behaviour

- SMSC/British Values/Equal Opportunities/Diversity
- Y2 Class Link Governor

 16.12.13 - 16.12.17   4 years Parent
 Mrs Hayley Kingsnorth - SEN Link Governor
- Safeguarding/Online Safety/Behaviour

- Y1 Class Link Governor
 09.09.15 - 08.09.19   4 years Parent
(Husband currently employed as part-time teacher at St Peter's)
 Community Governor  
 Mr Sodhi Singh Mann

- SMSC/British Values/Equal Opportunities/Diversity
- Health Safety
- Parent Council/School Council/Parent Engagement
- Events Governor

Y4 Class Link Governor

 25.11.15 - 24.11.15   4 years

Wife currently employed as a MMS at St Peter's

 Co-opted Governor  
 Mrs Stella Jones Appraisal/Performance Management
- Leadership
- Website
- Events 

- Y5 Class Link Governor
 28.01.15 - 27.01.19  4 years Parent
 Clerk to Governors  
 Mrs Lenaick Peters    15.09.14   n/a