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‘Unlocking love for lifelong learning for God, self, and for others’

Monitoring Pairs

The following Monitoring Pairs were agreed with effect from 5 October 2016

Finance Chris Keen Andy Rye
Pupil Premium Chris Keen Andy Rye
Sports Funding Chris Keen Andy Rye
Safeguarding/Child Protection/Online Safety/Behaviour Briony Wolley Hayley Kingsnorth
SEN Hayley Kingsnorth Briony Woolley
Curriculum Joanne Langley Miriam Lynch
Outcomes for pupils Stephanie Bassett Mandy Towsey
Religious Education Stephanie Bassett  
Appraisals/Performance Management Stephanie Bassett Stella Jones
SMSC/British Values/Equal Opportunities/Diversity Sodhi Singh Mann Briony Woolley
Health and Safety Sodhi Singh Mann Carl Thomason
Parent Council/School Council/Parent Engagement Joanne Langley Sodhi Singh Mann
Leadership Stella Jones  
Website Stella Jones Carl Thomason