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‘Unlocking love for lifelong learning for God, self, and for others’

My Blog


Welcome back to school, everyone! I hope you all had a lovely summer.  Thank you for all the lovely cards and presents that you generously gave me, your words were very kind and I am so glad that you enjoy my cuddles as much as I enjoy yours.

Are you all ready to begin your best learning again? Have you taken onboard the message that Mrs Owen gave you in our first assembly back on Wednesday, "Yes, I can!"? Are you already focussing on developing a Growth Mindset rather than a Fixed Mindset?  I think I am very good at remembering to have a Growth Mindset; I never give up trying to sneak food from the teachers bags and plates at lunchtime nor do I stop running away from Miss Vedamuttu when I take something I shouldn't from the house and into the garden!  smiley Next week, I am going to come for a little walk to all the classes with Miss Vedamuttu to see what evidence I can see of your Growth Mindsets, I hope you're ready to impress me! 

Something else that I loved doing last year was my special club.  I will be inviting some children to join me again soon, I can't have many children in my club though as I can sometimes feel a little bit confused so Mrs Owen and Miss Vedamuttu will help me to choose some children that will benefit from coming to help me learn new tricks and to listen better when Miss Vedamuttu needs me to!