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‘Unlocking love for lifelong learning for God, self, and for others’

Our Curriculum

At St Peter's we are focussed on the "whole child"  We endeavour to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which enables children to learn knowledge and skills which will provide them tools to make them life long learners and good citizens.   

Becoming Effective Learners

In Early Years practice, the Characteristics of Effective Learning are observed and encouraged in children.  We have decided that across the school we would keep these at the forefront of teachers minds by asking them to think about them when planning, even for the oldest children in the school. For more information about the Characteristics of Effective Learning click on the learning tree below:


Forest School Activities

Forest Schools

This year, every year group across the school will have the chance to enjoy some Forest School type activities in our outside spaces and in our woodland walk.  

Children will be offered the chance to explore and discover new things, experience appropriate risk and challenge and develop positive relationships with themselves and other people, all whilst enjoying some fresh air.