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‘Unlocking love for lifelong learning for God, self, and for others’

Admission - Reception 2017

Reception September 2017 parents are invited to attend a parents meeting on 7 June at 7 pm to discuss your child's transition to St Peter's when they start in September 2017.  There will be a presentation by the Reception class teacher outlining the curriculum, a chance to purchase items from our PTFA (water bottles, book bags and PE t-shirts), meet some members of our Governing Body and also another chance to wander around the school.  We look forward to welcoming you to St Peter's Catholic Primary School.

Come and visit us! Our children work and play within a loving and nurturing environment where all are welcome.

"You have played a huge part in my son becoming an even better little person than I left you with in September." (Parent of a Reception Child 2015-16)

If you wish your child to attend St Peter's you will need to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF).  This will enable the School Governors to apply our over-subscription criteria as detailed in our Admission Policy. The over-subscription criteria is applied when the number of applications exceeds the number of places available. Please click here to access the Supplementary Information Form.  

For more details on our over subscritpion criteria, please read our Admissions Policy.

To apply on line for a place, please visit the Kent County Council's website


Admission - In Year

The process for in year admissions to Kent primary schools is co-ordinated by the LA and you are required to complete an In Year Casual Admission Form (IYCAF).

These forms are available from the school office or from the LA via their website

You will also need to complete a Supplementary Information Form and return it to school together with your completed IYCAF.   Please click here to download a copy.

Register of Interest

If you would like to register your interest in a place at St Peter's for September 2017 onwards, please complete the Register of Interest Form. Once we have your details we will keep you informed of the process and ensure you receive the appropriate forms.  

Please click here  to download a Register of Interest Form.


For further information concerning Admissions, please visit Kent County Council.

Primary Admissions: 03000 41 21 21 

Supporting Admission Documents